You Can Now Support EmployCare’s Work Through a Charitable Gift or Donation


support employcare

At EmployCare, our goal is to support people with a disability or mental health condition, disadvantaged youth and adults, and individuals from other marginalised groups of all ages, to have more and better opportunities to enter the world of work.

We do this through providing career development programmes and career counselling especially tailored to the needs of those who might otherwise find themselves excluded from the job market.

This can be because they are unable to compile a resume or complete a job application without assistance, their disability means they are being overlooked for interview, or they do not have the confidence of experience successfully to navigate the interview process.

At EmployCare, our role is to support people from these marginalised groups to be better prepared to apply for jobs, understand and manage the selection process, and then successfully enter the world of work and so build a career.

Your support is invaluable

EmployCare is a not-for-profit organisation committed to providing personalised career development programmes and career counselling services for marginalised people looking to (re)enter the workplace.

People with disabilities, those from CALD backgrounds, and First Nations people can be some of the most excluded in our society. This is why it is important that our services are as widely available and accessible as possible.

In order to develop and deliver our programs and counselling services to as many people in the community as possible naturally requires funds.

This is how we are able to provide welcoming facilities for clients, train our staff, develop resources and programmes and more, and through which we can deliver the full range of supports and services our clients need.

How you can donate to EmployCare

EmployCare is now able to accept donations from individuals, businesses, corporations and organisations in order to fund our work so that we can provide services to as many people as possible.

There are a number of ways in which you or your organisation can contribute to the work of EmployCare:

  • Making a one-off gift
  • Contribute regular donations
  • Leaving a bequest in your will
  • Organising fundraising events and activities

EmployCare Inc. is a registered public benevolent organisation as per ATO guidelines, and is endorsed by the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC).

See our donations page for more information.

This means that any donation or gift over $2 is tax deductible, so retain your receipt for your tax advisor at the end of the financial year.

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