Are you an NDIS participant and are looking for work? Don’t worry if you’re not ready. That’s where EmployCare can assist you.
Under the NDIS funding, you have a few employment support options: School leaver employment (SLES) support, which may be funded in your plan for up to two years. Employment support options to work in Australian Disability Enterprises (ADE) and social enterprises. ADEs are one option of employment opportunities for people with moderate to high support needs and need more help to participate in the workplace fully. It would help if you had a conversation with your Local Area Coordinator, NDIS Planner or Support Coordinator to incorporate your employment goals within your plans. The NDIS ‘Let’s talk about work’ booklet and an easy-to-read version here.
EmployCare can assist you by offering employment counselling with qualified career practitioners to support you with your employment goals. Employment support won’t be the same for everybody, and that is why EmployCare offers 1:1 employment counselling and development training. This support includes working with your current employer and any potential new employer, so you are more likely to find and keep your job.
Contact us for a chat.