We often get caught up in the cycle of thinking; if this happened, then I expect this to happen. This cycle of thinking can become our obstacle to moving forward because we tend to stay in the fantasy of that thinking. In a way, it’s easier to manage our problem because we have created a solution.
But is it a realistic solution? We all would like to think that IF we won the lottery, THEN all our problems would be resolved. But how realistic is that as a solution? We can fantasise our way to a solution, but reality comes in and reminds us that this isn’t a practical solution to our problems.
We need to let go of the fantasy story and accept that life is never perfect. However, setting goals can be a strategy that will bring practical and positive activities toward achieving your goal.
EmployCare career consultants can help you with goal setting to achieve your employment change. Through 1:1 career counselling sessions and developing your skills through our training, you will be on your way toward your employment pathway.
For more information, here is an article from Psychology Today that may take your interest The Science of Success: The If-Then Solution | Psychology Today Australia.
Contact us for a chat.